Photoshop quiz questions and answers pdf :Multiple choice questions about Photoshop P12 , In this article, the network administrator will send you the multiple choice questions about Photoshop. In the 10 multiple choice questions below, you will know more useful shortcuts in the process of using this software.photoshop questions and answers pdf, photoshop quiz questions and answers pdf, to get desaturate option in photoshop we have to go to, adobe photoshop is an example of, for what work photoshop is used, when did photoshop start?, which of these software is using the gradient tool, which company made image ready,

Photoshop quiz questions and answers pdf
Question 1. The largest size of Brush size is (in Pixel):
Question 2. File Open command allows opening images with the format:
All of the above image file formats
Question 3. Copy command has shortcut CTRL + C; So the Copy Merge command has a shortcut:
CTRL + C + M
Question 4. The Deselect command has a shortcut key CTRL + D; So the Reselect command has a shortcut:
CTRL + Shift + D
CTRL + Shift + R
Question 5. The Edit Fill command allows you to choose a color other than the color of the Force Ground or Back Ground
It’s correct
Question 6. The Free Transform command allows image transformations to the background layer
Is not
Optional device to lock class
Question 7. Command Image Rotate Canvas 90CCW is used for
Rotate the image 90 degrees clockwise
Rotate the image on the current layer 90 degrees counterclockwise
Rotate the image 90 degrees counterclockwise
Question 8. Image Rotate Canvas 90CW command is used
Rotate the image 90 degrees clockwise
Rotate the image on the current layer 90 degrees clockwise
Rotate the image 90 degrees counterclockwise
Question 9. Image Size command is located in the menu
Question 10. The Image Trap command is applied to images in the mode:
Any mode applies
1) Which menu contains the duplicate layer option in Photoshop?
2) What is the file extension of Photoshop?
3) Photoshop is used for ___.
4) ___ menu contains the duplicate layer option in Photoshop?
6) Which company made Image Ready?
7) What is the full form of DPI?
8) Which of the following format supports Transparency?
9) By using which of these options, a new file is created in Photoshop?
11) Which of the following colour models is not in Photoshop?
12) What is the shortcut key to create a duplicate layer of a layer?
13) The images are made of ____.
14) What is the full form of GIF?
15) The short cut key of Feather is Alt+Ctrl+F.
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16) We cannot import jpeg image in Premiere.
17) How many types of Gradient are there in Photoshop?
18) How many type of Marquee Tool are there in Photoshop?
19) The default color mode of Photoshop is CMYK.
20) Is Photoshop an Image editing software?
21) The term that describes the range of color is ____ .
22) The short cut key to activate the pentool ______.
23) ____ is the shortcut for duplicating a layer.
24) Anchorpoints are the points that are made with the pen tool when it is making a path.
25) _____ is the short cut for hiding/showing your rulers.
26) .PNG stands for______.
27) The ________ tool is best selected when you need to select an abnormally shaped image in a layer.
28) The tool that allows you to select a rectangular or circular area of an layer to change or delete is _____.
29) The typical size for a graphic design is measured in __________.
30) Computer monitor primary color allows _____ individual shades.