Fix illustrator could partially read this file, Illustrator could not open this file, :I have been facing multiple messages with regards to my source files on AI. The pop-up message indicates ” Illustrator could only partially read this file”. Files were fine before the updates and after the updates, I cannot access any of my files now. These are source files and before I get into a “Full Panic” mode, I really hope its a glitch on the latest updates, as I have absolutely no access to my sources other than AI. I have tried the recommended recover steps by opening the AI files on PDF mode then save it as PDF then open on AI again, unfortunately, AI doesn’t read the files.

Fix illustrator could partially read this file,
The issue was found….it has to do with the lastest illustrator update (24.1.1); i had to uninstall and install a lower version and the issues were fixed.
Illustrator would change fonts and could not read files correctly that were created on the same machine. Hopefully, they will fix this soon.
This file cannot be found Illustrator
Things I’ve tried…
- Copying the art into a new document and saving
- Saving the new document to different disks (all local, no servers)
- Creating a blank document with nothing in it and saving
Bascially, I can’t save anything – has anyone else seen this?
I think I know why this is happening. I have 2 Adobe accounts – one that has full access and one that only has free access. A mistake I made a while back was setting up an adobe stock account using my free account instead of my paid account, so to buy stock images, I have to log out of the account that my Illustrator, Photoshop, etc programs are connected to, log into my free one, get the images I want, save, and log out.
When this same issue happened to me, I was logged into the free account th
I didn’t know about spot colors, is it the problem?
I found Most colors inside the artboards is global just three of them is spot colors and I just convert them now
تحذير: هذا البريد وجميع المرفقات قد يحتوي على معلومات سرية او ذات قيمة فكرية خاصة بجامعة الامام عبدالرحمن بن فيصل- بمعنى أنه لابد ان تكون المتلقي المقصود. اذا لم تكن المتلقي المقصود يجب عليك عدم استعراض هذا البريد أو اتخاذ أي اجراء او اعادة ارسال أو نسخ أي معلومة وردت في هذا البريد أو في المرفقات. اذا تلقيت هذا البريد بالخطأ يجب عليك إبلاغ المرسل و حذف هذا البريد وحذف جميع المرفقات ان وجدت دون الكشف عن محتوياتها والا سوف تعرض نفسك للمساءلة .
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Repair AI file online free
Before you can repair the document, you have to enable the content recovery mode. Perform the following steps to enable content recovery mode in your current version of Illustrator:
Quit Illustrator.
Navigate to the Illustrator preferences file:
macOS: /Users/<user name>/Library/Preferences/Adobe Illustrator <current version> Settings/en_US/Adobe Illustrator Prefs.
Windows: C:\Users\<user name>\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\Adobe Illustrator <current version> Settings\en_US\x64\Adobe Illustrator Prefs.
If you can’t find the Library folder on macOS, see Can’t see user library files in macOS on how to unhide it.
Open the preferences file in a plain text editor such as Text Edit (macOS) or Notepad (Windows). Look for enableContentRecovery in the following block of text:
/aiFileFormat {/PDFCompatibility 1enableATEReadRecovery 0/enableContentRecovery 0/enableATEWriteRecovery 0/clipboardPSLevel 3} -
Change the value of enableContentRecovery from 0 to 1:
/enableContentRecovery 1If the /aiFileFormat section does not have the enableContentRecovery line, add the line.
Save the preferences file without changing the filename or extension.
Illustrator could partially read this file we recover as much of the file as possible,
Illustrator could not open this file,
This file cannot be found Illustrator,
The file could not be read due to an error,
Repair AI file online free,
The file could not be written due to an error illustrator,
Recover file Illustrator