How to change the Keep Alive timeout in Internet Explorer 11. Internet Explorer uses the Connection Keep Alive timeout to establish a persistent HTTP connection with the Web server and reuse the same TCP/IP socket that was used to receive the original request for up to 1 time minutes by default. If the socket is idle for 1 minute, IE will reset the connection. Follow the steps below to change the resume time.

Change Keep Alive timeout in Internet Explorer 11
- Press Win+R to launch Run.
- Type the following command and press Enter .
- This will open the Registry Editor. Click on HKEY_CURRENT_USER .
- Then click SOFTWARE .
- Furthermore, click Microsoft .
- Navigate to Windows\CurrentVersion\InternetSettings .
- Right click on InternetSettings .
- From the options that appear, hover around New then DWORD(32 bit) Value.
- A new value will be created on the right hand side of the window. Name the newly created value KeepAliveTimeout .
- Click on the newly generated value. A dialog box will appear. Change the base to Decimal and. Click OK and you’re good to go!
- Then you can exit the Registry. The next time you launch Internet Explorer, the changes will take place.
Please know that the time you specify is in milliseconds. So a value of 120000 milliseconds is equivalent to 2 minutes.
- To reset what you did, set the value of KeepAliveTimeout to 60000. Or you can delete the new entry you created entirely.
- Conversely, if you want to further increase the timeout stay the same to 3 minutes or 180000 milliseconds. Set KeepAliveTimeout as the default value to 180000. Then create a New DWORD(32 Bit) Value and name it ServerInfoTimeout and give it a value of 180000.
If the Web Server has a timeout value of 2 minutes, you can set KeepAliveTimeout to 2 minutes. The minimum value between the Browser timeout and the server timeout, always considered. So if the Web Server has a one minute timeout, changing the value won’t make any difference.