How to cook Authentic Vietnamese beef pho recipe. It is no coincidence that beef noodle soup (Pho) is voted by the world’s top chefs as a dish to try at least once in your life. Behind each bowl of pho is a unique flavor that is hard to confuse. Let‘s go to the kitchen with TheArtCult to cook this delicious Pho.

25 minutes
1 hour 15 minutes
Level of difficult
How to cook Authentic Vietnamese beef pho recipe
Prep and blanch the meat
The bones and beef you bought are washed with water, then drained.
Cut beef encrusted meat into bite-sized pieces about 3 knuckles long.
You put the bones in the bowl and then pour boiling water over the bones and blanch the bones for about 3-5 minutes to remove dirt and odors.
Next, you take out the bones and wash them several times with clean water.
Prep and blanch the meat
Processing other ingredients
Onions purchased, peeled, washed and dried. You cut 1 onion in half to bake later, the other 2 are thinly sliced.
Red onion you peel and then wash it with green onions and ginger. For scallions, cut the leaves and cut the top of the onion into 4 lengths.
You put the sliced onion, red onion, ginger on the pan and bake on medium low heat for 3-5 minutes until the ingredients are fragrant and slightly scorched, then turn off the heat.
Also on the same pan just now, you add the seasoning to cook pho and roast at an average temperature for about 4-6 minutes until the ingredients are hot and fragrant, then turn off the heat and immediately put it in a filter bag, tie it up tightly.

Cooking broth
You put the blanched tubular bones with beef encrusted meat, the noodle seasoning packet and the ingredients baked in step 2 into the pressure cooker .
Add water and just cover the ingredients with 1 teaspoon of salt, then cover and simmer for 30 minutes until the beef is tender and the broth has a sweet taste.
Then, you take out all the ingredients and cut the beef encrusted meat to taste, about 3 knuckles long.
You put the broth into another large pot to continue cooking, put the pot on the stove and put the seasoning packet back in the noodle soup that was picked up and cooked on medium heat.
Add to the pot 200g rock sugar, 2 tablespoons seasoning, 1 teaspoon salt, 1/4 teaspoon MSG and stir well.
Cook the broth for 5-7 minutes until the water boils, then taste the seasoning to taste, then take out the seasoning packet to cook the pho.

Finished Pho
So our beef noodle soup is done! Immediately put the pho into a bowl with a little grated onion, chopped scallions, onion head, beef encrusted meat, beef tenderloin and immediately pour the hot broth over the rare meat and spread it all over the bowl.
You sprinkle a little more ground pepper, let the vegetables eat pho and you can enjoy it. The rich, sweet broth combined with the chewy noodle soup, tender and flavorful beef mixed with the luscious aroma of pho spices and grilled ginger onions is even more wonderful than ever!
Serve immediately and enjoy with your family!

How to choose to buy fresh beef tendon
- Choose to buy fresh beef tendons, which are usually pinkish-white in color. When touching the tendon is still hard and tough, has a certain elasticity, no strange smell.
- Absolutely do not buy and use tendons that are dry, change color abnormally such as yellow, pale white or turn green, have an unusual odor, yellow discharge because these tendons may be old, in the process of being decomposition segment.
- You should choose to buy pieces of beef with bright red color mixed with white veins and bright yellow fat.
- Should choose to buy beef that when you press the meat with your hand, it feels good, does not stick to your hands.
- Do not choose to buy beef with a pale green or dark red color and pieces of meat that have a strange smell.
Tips for successful beef noodle soup
- When cooking bones, you can filter out dirt by removing the first boiled water, the broth will be fragrant, clear and cleaner.
- Pho broth must be very boiling to push out the foul smell. You should dip the noodle soup thoroughly and shake it to drain the water, then put it in the bowl. When pouring pho broth into the bowl, remember to use chopsticks to stir it up so that the noodles don’t stick together.
- The amount of broth is about 1cm away from the surface of the noodle soup and the meat.
- You can cook a lot of broth and store it in the freezer for later meals.
How to choose to buy fresh beef
- You should choose to buy pieces of beef with bright red color mixed with white veins and bright yellow fat.
- Should choose to buy beef that when you press the meat with your hand, it feels good, does not stick to your hands.
- Do not choose to buy beef with a pale green or dark red color and pieces of meat that have a strange smell.