What is Error 800B0109 Windows Update?
Error code 0x800b0109 informs you that some update files are not signed correctly. If your system fails to verify the update, you will receive this error message on Windows 11/10. You may have to run the Windows Update debugger, temporarily remove this update, etc., but that’s not a complete solution to the problem.
You could try to run these commands:
sfc /scannow
DISM /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth
I always run these directly after updating just incase a file becomes corrupt during the upgrade process
**Run the Windows Update Troubleshooter
Press Windows key+R to open Run then copy paste the command below
msdt.exe /id WindowsUpdateDiagnostic
Press Enter, Run the troubleshooter
**Make sure Windows Update and Background Intelligent Transfer services are available and running.
Click Start, type services.msc in the Start Search text area, and then click services.msc in the programs list. If you are prompted for an administrator password or for a confirmation, type the password, or click Continue.
Double-click Background Intelligent Transfer Service.
If the Startup status lists Stopped, click Start and then click OK. If the status is Running, click Restart
Double-click Windows Update.
If the Startup status lists Stopped, click Start and then click OK. If the status is Running, click Restart
Double-click Workstation.
If the Startup status lists Stopped, click Start and then click OK. If the status is Running, click Restart
Close the Services window and try to install updates again.
**Reset Windows Update Components
**Here’s a direct download link of KB4586786 from Microsoft Update Catalog. Download and install the update manually.
2020-11 Cumulative Update for Windows 10 Version 1909 for x64-based Systems (KB4586786)
I hope this helps! Please let me know if you have any further concerns.
Fix Windows Update error 0x800f0989
To fix Windows Update error 0x800f0989 on Windows 11/10, follow these steps:
Run Windows Update Troubleshooter
Check Services Status
Reset Windows Update components
Download from Microsoft Update Catalog
Detailed steps are as follows:
Run Windows Update troubleshooter
The Windows Update troubleshooter is probably the best and first thing you need to use to get rid of this problem on your computer. Since it’s a built-in function, you don’t need to download anything. To use this troubleshooter, do the following:
Press Win + I to open Windows Settings.
Go to System > Troubleshoot > Other troubleshooters on Windows 11.
Go to Update & Security > Troubleshoot > Additional troubleshooters on Windows 10.
Learn the Windows Update troubleshooter.
Click the Run or Run the troubleshooter button.
Follow the on-screen instructions to complete.
You may then have to restart your computer.
Check Service Status
There are several services responsible for smooth updates. If any of the accounting services is not running, there is a possibility of getting such an error while installing the update. Therefore, you are better off verifying if those services are running or not. Alternatively, you can also restart them. For that, do the following:
- Search for services in the Taskbar’s search box.
Click on individual search results.
Double-click Background Intelligent Transfer Service .
If it is running, click the Stop button.
Click Start button .
Click button OK .
Do the same for Windows Update and Workstation services.
For your information, the default configuration on a standalone Windows PC is as follows:
- Windows Update Service – Manual (Triggered)
- Windows Update Medic Services – Manual
- Cryptographic Services – Automatic
- Background Intelligent Transfer Service – Manual
- DCOM Server Process Launcher – Automatic
- RPC Endpoint Mapper – Automatic
- Windows Installer – Manual.
After that, restart your computer and check if the problem is resolved.
Reset Windows Update components
There are several things responsible for getting updates on Windows 11/10. If one of them doesn’t work as expected, you may receive this error message on the Windows Settings panel when installing updates. If none of the above solutions work, you may need to reset Windows Update components. For that, you can follow this detailed guide to reset Windows Update components manually to default .
Download updates directly from Microsoft Update
You can download and install it manually if you know the name of the update that is causing problems while downloading. The update can be downloaded from the official Microsoft website, which aggregates all updates. To do that, you need to go to catalog.update.microsoft.com website, search for the update and download the corresponding update. You can then double-click the downloaded file to start the installation.
Good luck!
Video to fix:
0x800f0989 2146498167 error, 0x800f0905, kb4560960 failed to install, 0xe0000003, kb4598229 failed, install error 0x800f080a, kb4574727 fails, kb5003169 failed to install, windows update error 0x800f0989, cumulative update for windows 10 version 1909 for x64-based systems stuck, error 0x800f0988 fix, error 0x800f0986 windows, windows 10 cumulative update failed, windows update error 0x800f080a, cumulative update for windows 10 version 1909 failed to install, can t install cumulative update windows 10,