Fix Windows cannot connect to the printer Operation failed with error 0x0000011b ,Windows cannot connect to the printer 0x0000011b

Windows cannot connect to the printer 0x0000011b
Ran into multiple instances of this on Thursday. Freaked out I made a change that i screwed up. I recently completed a dfs migration because I screwed up the nameo.local\dfs and didn’t add the $ and whatever you know the rest.
One machine was a Dell 7040 i7 16GBram ssd But win 7
I chalked it up as a random end of life bug. Updated to 10, fixed it
Ran into a 1703 machine tonight too.. wooo that one was cool because the guy said it ran flawlessly.. blew me away. Anyway, printer issue.. code ends in 11b in print service logs in the sub folders in event viewer. Updated to 21h1 and it fixed it. So hopefully it’s only throwing outdated versions of Windows under the bus 😂
Anyway, saw this in my feed
And I feel better, not great but better.
For reference
We all know that one by now.
This is what was seen in the logs
The fix:
remove the september cumulative update from microsoft. This patch was to fix Print Nightmare, and it caused this. We have removed this patch on all our print servers for the time being. There are a number of mitigation efforts for it, but MS has not fully published what we have to do with this patch in place yet. Some people with premier support are getting info, but nothing available published to the masses yet.
Fyi I had even tested giving the PRINTERS folder under spooler full domain user permission as a test and it didn’t help.
Removing the printers manually and expecting them to readd with gpo didn’t work. Strange error description in event viewer come to think it.
Similar issue in domain environment, Print server MS Windows 2016 Core, clients Windows 10.
Printers can’t be connected, set as default or installed on client machine/
Removing KB5005573 from printserver solved our problem.
Windows is one of the most popular operating systems created by Microsoft and is used by regular home users and big corporations as well. Windows customization abilities make it attractive for different industries and purposes. The easy-to-use interface and automatic troubleshooting options make it accessible to different groups of people.
Windows errors can cause a lot of inconveniences for users. Usually, they are left confused, as there are no explanations about what could be causing the issue or how it should be fixed, and people are forced to look for information online. Recently, many complaints came flooding from business owners to the forums about their workers not being able to use printers in the offices.
This network printing error 0x0000011b is mainly seen in small business and home networks that are unable to get their hands on a Kerberos setup on a Windows domain,[1] and it was noticed that issues started appearing after installing the latest Windows Updates KB5005627, KB5005563, or KB5005613.